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Swastika Symbol Meaning Significance

Swastika Symbol – Meaning & Significance

Swastik is a holy symbol for Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Europeans. It is made before starting anything good. Some of the oldest Swastikas were found in ancient India, and Swastikas were used all over the subcontinent for hundreds of years.

Meaning of Swastika

Swastika (स्वस्तिक​) = Su (सु) + Asti (अस्ति) + Ka(क​)

  • Su(सु) means Shubh(शुभ) i.e auspicious or welfare
  • Asti(अस्ति) means to be/happen or exist. It stands for power or existence
  • Ka(क​) stands for doer or performer i.e Karta(कर्ता)

The Swastik symbol is regarded as a Swaroop of Ganesha because it is the first thing we create before beginning something nice or new. Brahman is the union of static and dynamic forces known as Shiva and Sakthi, Prakasha and Vimarsha, and Purush and Prakriti.

Brahman is the formless, absolute Consciousness that is the origin of all things. Hinduism contains 18 Vidhya Sthanams: 4 vedas, (Rik Yujur, Sama, Atharvana) 6 Angas, (niruktam, chandas, shiksha, vyakaranam, kalpam, jyotisham) 4 Upa angas (Mimamsa, nyaya, purana& itihasa, dharma shastram) and 4 upa vedas (Gandarva, Ayur Veda, Dhanur Veda & Arta Shastram).

Brahman manifests through three Gunas or personalities known as Satva, Rajo, and Tamo Gunas. Combining these three Gunas with the five elements, Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Vayu (air), and Akaash (ether/space) contribute to the creation as a whole. With its axis fixed on Akaash (ether/space), Swastika also signifies a five-fold substance. This symbol is mentioned in the Vedas and the Upanishads.

Swasti means Be Auspicious or Be Welfare, good fortune, represents the Sun or Surya, the source of all Life on earth, the direct representative of Brahman, represents Kala or the flow of time, the cyclical motion of time to be precisely representing constructive progress and the cyclic representation of the chaturyugas (Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali) and thereby time, also interpreted as representing the four Seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, and They can be regarded as the four Vedas with a central axis representing Brahman, from whence the Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva) arise, the central Hindu scriptures, the Vedic path, and the Vedic scriptures. Counterclockwise, Swastika denotes the Tantric path, one of which should be chosen for righteous living, together with the Four Yoga Paths (Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga).

Swastika depicts the dynamic motion or vibration of matter. It symbolizes Spanda or Vibration, which is nothing more than the Aum mantra. And Symbolic of Purusharths or Life’s Goals; Kama (satisfaction of cravings), Artha (wealth), Dharma (righteousness), and Moksha (escape from the cycle of Life) rotating on the centre axis, Life (right action, worldly prosperity, worldly enjoyment, and spiritual liberation).
Swastika also depicts the four stages of a man’s Life. On the axis of Life, rotate Brahmacharya (celibacy/education era), Grihastashrama (family/married Life), Vaanaprastha (retirement from obligations), and Sanyaas (becoming a hermit). Four Social classes (Priests, Warriors, Merchants, and Workers).

Swastik denotes substance, tangible wealth, and safety. According to the Akhand Sutra, Earth (Prithvi-Bhuta) and Swastik are represented by the Muladhara Chakra, the lowest centre of consciousness in the pelvis. Swastik indicates Kundalini sleeping in Muladhara Chakra. Kundalini sleeps in Muladhara Chakra. As a result, it depicts the Earth’s Static Form. Swastika also signifies eternity.

Swastik is symbolic of the evolution of consciousness. When Kundalini ascends to higher consciousness centers called Chakras, the static form of Muladhara Chakra’s four corners becomes dynamic. The awakened Kundalini is symbolized by the fraction 22/21, one-third of 22/7. Pi or 22/7 represents the slumbering Kundalini (Three plus coils of Kundalini). This process, referred to as a revolution, leads to spiritual progress via ten stages of evolution. Divyank, the Divine Constant, is followed by ten stages of revolution and progress (maturity).

Where Divyank: ((22/21) to the power of the square of 10.34419 = 1.618034.

  • 22/21: It is a representation of Dynamic Swastik.
  • 10: It depicts the ten phases of the evolution of human awareness’ intrinsic nature.
  • 0.34419: It indicates the final stage of development or maturation.

The Swastika depicted as a Yantra signifies the favorable alignment of Prana Shakti/energy. Prana, the fundamental life energy, has spin and interacts with the human body via the Ida and Pingala Nadis; hence, Pranayama focuses on regulating the flow of Prana through correct breathing. Therefore, Swastika signifies Prana, the source of Life itself.

It reflects the eternal nature of the universe in the material world, where a creature’s karma determines which state it will inhabit. It symbolizes the soul’s four qualities: limitless knowledge, infinite perception, boundless bliss, and infinite energy. It also symbolizes the four columns of the Jain sangha: sadhus, sadhvis, sravakas, and shravikas – monks, nuns, and laywomen of both sexes.

In contrast to this circle of rebirth and delusion is the concept of a straight path, comprised of correct faith, understanding, and conduct, and visually represented by the three dots above the Swastika’s running cross, which leads the individual out of the temporary, imperfect world to a permanent perfect state of enlightenment and perfection. The crescent and dot at the apex of the Swastika reflect this ideal condition of freedom.

Right Swastika is a symbol of the gods Nar and Nari, respectively. The horizontal lines of the Swastika represent the creation of the universe or Jyotirlinga, while the vertical lines represent the universe’s expansion. The core of Swastika is considered to represent Nabhi Kamal, also known as Vishnu’s navel lotus, from where the universe arose.

The bijakshara and Swarup of Ganpati’s mantra resemble the Swastika symbol.

The Swastika is most frequently linked with four hues. Red, gold, green, and Black/Deep Blue. The Swastika represents everything. From a scientific standpoint, if the sign is drawn correctly, it can attract a tremendous quantity of positive energy. It protects against all types of evil eye.

The right-facing sign (卐) is called Swastika and represents Surya (“sun”), prosperity, and good fortune. In contrast, the left-facing symbol (卍) is called sauwastika and represents night or tantric elements of Kali.
The red clockwise Swastika symbolizes the flow of Prana, which signifies the blooming of Life. Red is also the color of perfect Satva Guna purity. Therefore, this Swastika signifies Maya or Adi Parasakthi, the universe’s mother. This sign represents sustenance and maternal protection against all perils.

Black/dark blue in hue Clockwise The symbol Swastika represents Defensive Power. It directly symbolizes God’s protective force. In other words, it symbolizes Dakshin Kalika, the ferocious form of the mother goddess or the benevolent Kali. It also demonstrates the Vedic feature of protective force, commonly known as the protection from Adharva-Veda and Tantra.

Always remember to keep the lines and angles in a Swastik clear and unadorned for the best results; otherwise, it can lead to difficulty. Swastika should not be utilized in unclean locations. When wearing a Swastik pendant, it is recommended that it be enclosed within a circle at all times.

“Omm-Swastik-Trishul” is comprised of the three legendary terms “Om,” “Swastik,” and “Trishul.” The combination of these three symbols protects you against negativity and evil. It purifies your entire living environment so that you can enjoy a joyful, tranquil life filled with financial wealth. This auspicious symbol must continually be venerated so that blessings may continue to flow to us.

Swastika Mantra

ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः। स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः। स्वस्ति नो ब्रिहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

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